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Magnifique chalet 4 saisons 22x22
** accès aux lac navigable **
(lac aux canards) saint Raphaël
40 min de Québec
Rénover à 90% avec soin (style loft)
Poêle à bois
Terrain clôturé +/- 5500 pc
Cabanon 16x14
lac avec un accès pour embarcation à moteur permis
Sentier motoneige derrière le chalet
Room | Level | Size | Floor |
Known expenses | Month | Year |
Energy | N/A | N/A |
School taxes | $12.50 | $150 |
Municipal taxes | $82.92 | $995 |
Other costs | N/A | N/A |
Heating | $40 | $480 |
Rental income | N/A | N/A |
Land-related data | Lot | Building |
Assessment 2022 | N/A | N/A |
Total assessment | $100,000 |
Building dimensions | 22 x 22 ft. |
Lot size | N/A |
Backyard faces | N/A |
Topography | N/A |
Land features | Wooded, Waterfront, No neighbours in the back, Fenced |
Septic tank, Artesian well, Fireplace, Shed, Resort/Cottage
Exterior sheathing: | Vinyl |
Windows: | Wood, PVC |
Type of windows: | Tilt and turn |
Parking: | Crushed stone |
Swimming pool: | N/A |
Basement: | No basement |
Heating: | Electric baseboard units, None |
Kitchen: | Laminate cupboard |
Bathroom: | Separate shower |
Garage: | N/A |
Proximity: | Wooded, Cross-country skiing |
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